x rebuild engine
x replace clutch
x resurface flywheel
x replace front pads and rotors
x replace broken uppipe
x replace downpipe gasket
x figure out why the heck my wastegate is stuck closed
x tune it once and for all
x replace right TGV sensor and get rid of CEL
x replace interior carpet
x change transmission fluid
x change diff fluid
replace foglights
paint Supertones black
replace missing intake manifold nuts (ghetto, I know)
replace trim under steering wheel that's falling out
cargo tray
paint undercarriage with rust inhibitor
replace windshield
fix rusty a-pillar (got an estimate on this one, should be done soon)
change brake fluid
figure out how to make outside temp display in cluster read properly
replace 10 year-old stock headunit with something that plays my iPod
learn how to stop being such a perfectionist and live with the car the way it is
Ever since I bought the car, the carpet has looked like this:
You couldn't see it under the floor mat, but I knew it was there, and it really, really bothered me. Finally turned to Craigslist, found some STi carpet for $40 and tackled the job today.
It was an even 100 degrees out, so the job was hot and uncomfortable.
But the new carpet looks amazing, so it was totally worth it!